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My name is Lance Samreth, I am 15, I am originally from Laurel, Maryland. I am currently living in Wake Forest, North Carolina, with my Mom, Dad and my Sister.My Dad is from Cambodia My Mom is African American. I am a sophomore at Heritage High School, Home of the Huskies. I used to be on a soccer team playing a defensive position. My hobbies include watching movies, drawing, and playing video games. I spend most of my time on the computer. During my world history honors class I was a leader when it came to presenting a topic for my groups, I had kept my group on task and did my best to get the best grade possible. I have not done any charity work or donations because I do not have the time or money to do so. I would like to volunteer in my community but no opportunities have appeared. My interests include becoming a programmer, becoming an electrical engineer, or a computer engineer. I plan to go to college (either NC State or NC A&T) so i'll be able to get the little piece of paper that says I can get a good paying job. Once I get that paper and the job I would like to start a family. My goals include having enough money to retire early so I don't have to work, when I have no work I would raise my children to be better people than me then I’ll do whatever my heart desires. After that I’ll be able to die a happy man

About Me

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